Japanese Lemon Wakoucha

Japanese lemon, commonly known as “Yuzu” often likened to a blend of traditional lemon, orange, and grapefruit. This citrus has partnered beautifully with our wakoucha, creating a tangy, floral, and aromatic blend you are sure to enjoy.

Japanese lemon, commonly known as “Yuzu” often likened to a blend of traditional lemon, orange, and grapefruit. This citrus has partnered beautifully with our wakoucha, creating a tangy, floral, and aromatic blend you are sure to enjoy.



  • Japanese lemon, commonly known as “Yuzu” is a highly regarded citrus across the world for its complex aromatics and versatility in culinary applications. Yuzu’s aroma is often likened to a blend of traditional lemon, orange, and grapefruit. This dynamic and highly renowned citrus has partnered beautifully with our Wakocha, creating a tangy, floral, and aromatic blend you are sure to enjoy.

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