About Us
Happa Tea will have
you living Happa-ly!
Why Happa?
Happa Tea is grown by village farmers and is produced using techniques that have been refined since 1863.
The first time we toasted it we knew we had to share it with the world immediately recognizing its potential as a standalone tea and as a healthy addition to elevate your daily activities.

Our Promise to You
Our Purpose
“Happa” はっぱ translates to “Leaf” in Japanese. We chose this humble word as our name because it is the foundation of our company. After we had the first sip of a true Japanese tea, we knew the very simple word would be the perfect representation of our company and the age old tradition of tea growing in Japan.
We chose Japanese tea as opposed to Its counterparts in India, Sri Lanka and China for multiple reasons, but the main reason being quality. Sure, growing tea may seem simple on paper (planting a seed, adding some water, and putting it in sunlight); but, which leaves you pick, when you pick them, and whether you sun dry, roast, or bake the leaves are crucial steps in the process that prove to be very complex. For generations and generations Japanese tea farmers have not only been asking these questions, but answering them. Their attention to detail and expertise in the craft translates directly to the perfect cup of tea. In America we are exposed to mass-produced, low quality tea that we find in large coffee shop chains. When we order a “green” tea at these shops, the product we often receive can be better described as yellow or brown, which is why the first time we were exposed to a cup of Japanese green tea, we were shocked to find the color was actually a beautiful hue of deep green. This experience opened our eyes to the immense complexity, superior taste, and albeit humble appearance, of the Japanese tea leaf.
Our goal is to share the power of the humble tea leaf with others. So let’s all raise that perfect cup of tea and Live Happa-ly!

Thoughtfully packaged and USDA organic certified in USA.

Enjoy a antioxidant and nutrient dense beverage to help fuel your activities.